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Our Daily Life

Let’s take a break from the heavy traffic and if we raise our hands to say “Education for all & everyday life?than we are not lying at all. Today the total situation is completely changed & it’s faster than the last days that mean it’s changing all the time. Vary same way we have to run equally with the time and the faster world.

Not only in Bangladesh today all the countries of the entire world running with the newest technology which is more essential for us. We can say clearly that we are still behind the world. Really we need that kind of education; the education is generally perfect for us & also gives us an actual power of knowledge. Here we mention a few of Universities website in Bangladesh and a few of in overseas. We hope it will help you out a lot so that our dream comes true.

Universal eBooks, University and Libraries of the world


As we know there is no end of education till death for a human. From that corner a large number of populations in Bangladesh need to have the primary education. We can see today Bangladesh government have lots of stapes to give education in rural and un-rural area in whole over the country. So let’s sent our children to the school and try to give them a best environment to educate themselves. We can swear that never send our children to get work and we can see every day they are doing very risk able job which is not able to do by them right now.

On the other hand what is the general condition of our large population on our land? Did we think ever? If we think that we need to come out from the huge traffic of population than we need the perfect education that can make a real goal. Once again we need to guide our kids when they come from the school, how they are being an obedient & all the necessary things and we must remember that the kids are getting the real education from the parents. From the every article we can encourage them to read the newspaper and other respective activities.


Tourism is good for health & it’s bringing a global satisfaction in our mind. It means actual tourism is introducing with the new technological world. To know about the world at physically this is very best way so far we know. Even we can address with the other culture, activities, language, religion, education, weather, people with their general condition, food and all other necessary things in the human beings. That is how we can have a better knowledge of the other country. Though as we know this is much expensive to run country and abroad but it’s so helpful to manage our life and we can learn how to build our life.


In our everyday life we have to introduce with few of things and that is so necessary. In that case we can say for save & safety, need to know. For an example like an accident can happen any time so what we will do? We have to manage the ambulance or other transport to take a hospital. The very same way we are tried to address you here with some of the important web address in country and abroad.

If you any suggestion about it you can write though to our website. We will always appreciate for it.

Hospital, Fire Service, Hotel/Restaurant, Hotel/restaurant, Police Station, Transports, Ambulance service, Games, Movies and Songs and Some popular Horoscope website

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